
Ancient Astrology for the modern day


Big news for Asterian Astrology

I will be opening my schedule for readings!  

Book your January reading now!!

Please email me from the contact page at [email protected] 

 to set up your reading now!


January 10th – January 22nd

Asterian Star: 

Dioscuri ( DEE-O-SKOORI) 

Date of birth:  April 13 – April 26

(0.00 ARIES – 13.20 ARIES) 

Dioscuri, you love it when everything is going your way, you are at your best when you feel strong and independent.  You have been feeling strong and independent for quite awhile now.  I hope you have enjoyed this feeling and you take full advantage of what is left of this energy because it will all be over as of January 22nd. 

Asterian Star: 

Hades (HAY-DEEZ)

Date of birth April 28 – May 10

(13.20 ARIES – 26.40 ARIES) 

Hades, you are calm and patient and have a gentle nature.  The good news is that you continue with cycles that are good to you and for you.  You will be in this happy place until February 5th or so. Just be the best you that you can be and enjoy this happy place while you can. 

Asterian Star: 

Vesta( VEST-A) 

Date of birth  May 12 – May 23

(26.40 ARIES – 10.00 TAURUS) 

Vesta, you have a sharp mind and you are very good at using your negative experiences to activate your extensive powers.  The last cycle saw you starting to see some great things on the horizon, and there is so much more to come for you. As a matter of fact you can expect some pretty smooth sailing until February 18th. So put your sharp tongue away and enjoy what is in front of you.

Asterian Star: 

Pasiphae ( PASS-IF-PHAY )

Date of birth May 24 – June 6

(10.00 Taurus – 23.20 Taurus) 

Pasiphae, you are so well behaved and the Gods have been putting you through the ringer since November 6th.  This has been very difficult for you but you have been nothing but well behaved.  I can’t imagine that has been easy for you. Well this new cycle that will be rewarding you for all of that good behavior and run all the way through March 3rd.

Asterian Star: 

Prometheus ( PRO-ME-THEE-US)

Date of birth June 7 – June 20

(26.20 TAURUS – 6.40 GEMINI) 

Prometheus, you don’t like to feel vulnerable, who does. Since November 19th you have been feeling very vulnerable and off kilter, as the the Gods have been putting you through your paces.  That all end on January 23rd.  The Gods will be smiling on you again.

Asterian Star:

 Typhon ( TIE-FON) 

Date of birth June 21 – July 4 

(6.40 GEMINI – 20.00 GEMINI) 

Typhon, you can be a bit distracted especially when things are not stable, and lets face it, things have not been stable for awhile now.  I’m sorry to say it is not over yet, it won’t be over until February 5th.  So try to focus and stay grounded until then.  The great things coming are worth the wait.

Asterian Star:

 Artemis( ART-TE-MIS) 

Date of birth July 5 – July 18

(20.00 GEMINI – 3.20 CANCER) 

Artemis, you better hang on tight during this cycle because it is going to be a doozy.  Now don’t get your dander up and start causing chaos everywhere with your temper tantrums, it

Asterian Star: 

Zeus( ZOOS) 

Date of birth July 19 – August 1

(3.20 CANCER – 16.40 CANCER

Zeus, you can be easily distracted, I suggest you keep your wits about you for a good while longer. March 3rd to be exact.  The Gods are dangling a carrot in front of you this cycle, don’t fall for it.  Just stay strong and keep on going getting on, it does get better.

Asterian Star: 

Hydra (HI-DRAH) 

Date of birth August 2 – August 15

(16.40 CANCER – 30.00 CANCER) 

Hydra, you are so intelligent and resourceful, but when things get tough you can be a bit manipulative. I would warn you not to sink into that type of behavior if you can help it. This cycle is not going to be an easy one, but you have done it before you can do it again. 

Asterian Star: 

Persephone  ( PER-SEF-O-NEE) 

Date of birth August 16 – August 29

(0.00 LEO – 13.20 LEO) 

Persephone, you are a smart cookie, you have great attention to detail and a very strong work ethic. These are some of your super powers, they are easy to maintain during the good times and this has been some really good productive time for you.  That all ends January 22nd.  Try and harness as much of that good energy while you can.

Asterian Star:

 Bacchus ( BACH-US) 

Date of birth August 30 – September 12

(13.20 LEO – 26.40 LEO)

Bacchus, you are generally a happy go lucky star, and your have been pretty happy for lucky for awhile now. You have until February 5th to continue to skip down that yellow brick road with out a care in the world.  Enjoy it while you can.

Asterian Star

 Hymenaeus (HY-MO-NAE-OUS) 

Date of birth September 13 – September 25

(26.40 LEO – 10.00 VIRGO 

Hymenaeus, doesn’t if feel good to not have to take such a stubborn stance on everything in your day to day dealings. You started a cycle back at the end of December that has had you happy and relaxed. This state of happiness will continue in one way or another all the way up to February 18th.  Now thats something.

Asterian Star:

 Sol ( SOLE ) 

Date of birth September 26 – October 12

(10.00 VIRGO – 26.20 VIRGO)

Sol, you pride yourself on your spirituality and your kind heart. So when you go through tough or challenging cycles it can be very disheartening for you.  The good news is that your tough cycle has ended and you are entering positive cycles that are going to run right through March 3rd. 

Asterian Star: 


Date of birth October 13 – October 22

(23.20 VIRGO – 6.40 LIBRA) 

Vulcan, the Gods have had your panties in a twist for a little while now.  This makes you restless and a bit irritated, that is all coming to an end on January 23rd.  So hang on for a bit longer and you will be able to untwist those panties. 

Asterian Star:

 Favonius (FAV-O-NEE-US)

Date of birth October 23 – November 5

(6.40 LIBRA – 20.00 LIBRA) 

Favonius, you have been so tense lately, I can’t imagine why, just because the Gods have been using you as a chess pawn lately shouldn’t mean anything.  Don’t worry it won’t last forever, as a matter of fact they will find another star to play with after February 4th. 

Asterian Star:

 Dinus ( DIE-NOOS) 

Date of Birth November 6 – November 18

(20.00 LIBRA – 3.20 SCORPIO)

Dinus, you can be impulsive when you don’t like how things are going for you. You can also be very intolerant, well that attitude will not garner you any favor from the Gods.  Try to stay positive and strategic so when these few cycles are over you will have a path forward.

Asterian Star:

 Urania ( YOUR-AE-NEE-A) 

Date of birth November 19 – December 1

( 3.20 – SCORPIO – 16.40 SCORPIO_ 

Urania, this cycle will see you at your best, especially after what you went through since the end of December until now.  Just know that the Gods have put you on a roller coaster that you never wanted to ride until March 3rd. Make sure you keep your hands inside the ride at all times, you know safety first.

Asterian Star: 

Parca ( PARK-A) 

Date of birth December 2 – December 14

(16.40 SCORPIO – 30.00 SCORPIO) 

Parca, the animal that is associated with your star it the rabbit, the rabbit is about the cycles of life and they are not inclined to drama.  I would suggest that you remember that, as you will need those skills during this time and all the way through March 17th. 

Asterian Star:

 Hecate ( HEC-AH-TAY) 

Date of birth December 15 – December 27

(0.00 Sagittarius – 13.20 Sagittarius) 

Hecate, you are adaptable and determined.  Great qualities to have because your are going to need them after this cycle is over.  Starting January 23rd life will be tough for a little while but remember it is just a cycle and it will not last forever, I promise.  In the mean time enjoy the last of all the good stuff the Gods have brought you.

Asterian Star:

 Ceto ( KAY-TOE) 

Date of birth December 28 – January 9


Ceto, you are a very social star and you easily adjust to just about any situation you find yourself in. Right now you are in your comfort zone as life is mostly easy and carefree, and it will continue to be that way until February 5th. 

Asterian Star:

Natura ( NAU-TOO-RA) 

Date of birth January 10 – January 22


Natura, you are so patient and you are more than happy to wait your turn. The last cycle saw you starting to be rewarded for all that patience.  These great things will continue for you in various forms up until February 18th. This cycle will see you benefiting in all areas but especially the ones you have really put effort into.

Asterian Star: 

Apollo ( A-PO-LO) 

Date of birth January 23 – February 4

(10.00 CAPRICORN – 23.20 CAPRICORN) 

Apollo, you are restless and always seeking more knowledge,  knowledge is power and it is your superpower.  Well you should know that from now until March 3rd things will be some form of wonderful for you.  Now how is that for knowledge

Asterian Star:

 Muses ( MUS-SES) 

Date of birth  February 5 – February 18

(23.20 CAPRICORN – 6.40 AQUARIUS) 

Muses, you can be a bit impatient, especially when things are not going your way.  Who can blame you.  You are coming out of some cycles that have been nothing less than a nightmare of a roller coaster ride, and you don’t even like roller coasters.  After January 22 things will be easier and much more to your liking.

Asterian Star: 

Aegeon( A-GEE-ON)

 Date of birth February 19 – March 3

(6.40 AQUARIUS – 20.00 AQUARIUS) 

Aegeon, You will finally be able to breathe easy for a little while, just don’t get too over confident this is just a little breather.  After January 22nd there will be obstacles to climb before things get better. Enjoy the reprieve while you can. 

Asterian Star: 

Chimera( KEE-MARE-A) 

Date of birth March 4 – March 16

(20.00 AQUARIUS – 3.20 PISCES)

Chimera, You are usually so confident and are fearless when facing challenges. That’s a good thing because you will need that skill, especially during this cycle. After January 22nd it gets better but it doesn’t really get great until February 19th. So hang on till then you won’t regret it. 

Asterian Star:

 Phorcus (POR-KUS)

Date of birth March 17 – March 30 

(3.30 PISCES – 16.40 PISCES) 

Phorcus, it is a good thing you are so resilient because that last cycle was a real humdinger, good thing this one will be better.  you should know that your will not be completely out of the woods until after March 3rd.  

Asterian Star:

 Hermaia ( HER-MAYA)

Date of birth March 31 – April 12

(16.40 PISCES – 30.00 PISCES) 

Hermaia, this is so hard for me because your star is one of my favorites.  I just love your gentle nature and your desire for everyone to be happy.  I suggest you just work on your own happiness right now because it may be hard to hold on to with this energy that your will be dealing with until March 17th.