I have received a number of questions about Asterian Astrology, and what is it? Why is this different from the astrology that we have all grown up with?

In a nutshell Asterian Astrology is the oldest system of astrology known to man. It originated with the Egyptians & Babylonians. Alexander the Great learned this system in Alexandria Egypt around 332 BC and then sent the system throughout the ancient Mediterranean world.
When he took over northern India he taught the priest, the Brahmins, the Yavanajitaka. The Brahmins then merged the Greek system with their own primitive system, which is Vedic astrology today. This system follows the actual positions of the constellations, this is called the procession of the equinoxes, where as Tropical or Western astrology follows the Sun.
The main difference between the systems is that Western system does not recognize the procession of the equinoxes, there for in Western astrology the constellations can be off by almost an entire zodiac sign as compared to the ancient system.
Another major difference is that Eastern astrology recognized 27 nakshatras in Asterian they are 27 stars. These stars make it possible to break down a chart with more accuracy than 12 signs can do.
So if your Asterian Astrologer tells you that you are born under the sign of Cancer, and not Leo as you have been told all your life, you should believe them.